
“Rushlights”, a dark, gritty action-mystery thriller, stars Golden Globe© and Emmy© winner Beau Bridges (The Descendants, The Fabulous Baker Boys, Max Payne) and Aidan Quinn (Unknown, The Mission, Legends of the Fall).

“Rushlights” revolves around Billy Brody (Josh Henderson, star of TNT’s new hit series “Dallas”) and Sarah (Haley Webb, Final Destination), two delinquent young lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles, traveling to a small Texas town to falsely claim a dead friend’s inheritance. The two teens, haunted by their own dubious pasts while pursuing their scam, wind up in a nightmare of greed and betrayal when confronted with the twisted and bizarre underworld of Tremo, TX – population 2870.

At first, as “Cameron Brodgen” (Quinn), the attorney representing the estate to be passed on, introduces himself to the young couple (Henderson, Webb) the hustle seems to be developed according to plan. Cameron is most courteous and assists “Billy” and “Sarah” in their claim.

Enter “Sheriff Brogden Jr.”, (Bridges) the local Sheriff for the past thirty years, who also happens to be “Cameron’s” older brother. The Sheriff confronts the “foreigners” with suspicion and stacks of questions. Still confident in their goal to cash in, the two kids start covering their tracks.

Things start to get complicated when the nature surrounding the death of “Zackary Niles”, the owner of the estate, is being put into question. The young grifters know that time is of the essence and the discovery of foul play delays their claim. “Billy” and “Sarah” are stuck.

To make matters worse, while scrutinizing “Niles” large mansion, the youngsters discover that the inheritance has plenty more family strings attached than originally thought. It appears that almost everybody associated with the “Niles” property has some kind of a stake in the succession of the fortune. Embedded in this unnerving tail is also a coming of age element encapsulated in

the love story between the two teenagers. “Sarah”, tormented by a drug-problem while struggling to impersonate a dead friend, desperately urges “Billy” to leave Tremo while they still can. However, “Billy” seems compelled to follow through with the plot as originally cooked up. He keeps pushing “Sarah” for “just a few more days.”

Ultimately, the turn of events reaches a boiling point and it becomes utterly clear that the young couple’s scheme to pull a fast one on an unscrupulous, cunning, and self-serving circle of characters, was a most ill fated plan to begin with.

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